Try our Repair and Service Estimator! This tool offers information about the repair as well as gives our customers an idea on what those repairs/service will cost. MAKE A RESERVATION Wentworth Automotive We’d be happy to take your call (858)541-1044 Address: 7755 Othello Ave. San Diego, CA 92111 Phone: (858) 541-1044 Fax: (858) 278-4871 MAKE A RESERVATION wentworth Automotive Wentworth Automotive We’d be happy to take your call (858)541-1044 Make a Reservation Online MAKE A RESERVATION Wentworth Automotive Address: 7755 Othello Ave. San Diego, CA 92111 Phone: (858) 541-1044 Fax: (858) 278-4871 Hours: Mon-Thurs 7:30am-6:00pm MAKE A RESERVATION